Saturday 15 January 2011

This is our blog for reading and discussing the articles selected for each week for the session Podcasting for the ESL-EFL Classroom session. The weekly sessions will be divided into Mandatory Readings and Further Readings.

There will be at least three required readings related to the content planned for each week. They will help you answer the Quiz.

These are extra readings that may help you learn a bit more on the content planned for each week.


Most readings will be followed by a quiz to check how much you remember from the required readings.

It is your chance to write questions to the moderators or colleagues about the readings you have read each week.

Podcasting for the EFL-ESL Classroom by Izquierdo, I. Mendoza, M, and Rodríguez, J. is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 3.0 Unported License